Norfolk/Virginia Beach, VA
Though a smaller entity within the national organization, the Virginia Beach/Norfolk region has always been an important part of the foundation's history. Founding member and past President, Brendan Curley, first helped a young child named Justin that he met through his time here in professional hockey. Justin needed a wheelchair and Brendan used his network of sports, events, and media to raise funds and meet this need for Justin and his family. The event sparked the Betterment ripple effect which eventually spread to new events and chapters throughout the country! Today, the Norfolk/Virginia Beach chapter raises funds through two major events in the Hampton Roads area: The Virginia Children's Festival and the Town Point Virginia Wine Festival.
For information on becoming a part of the Virginia Beach area chapter, please contact [email protected] or call the national office at 410-394-9868.
Past Norfolk/VA Beach Recipients
Tidewater Friends of Foster Care
Volunteers at Trinity Lutheran Church
Operation Smile
Scott Park, Virginia Beach, VA
Triepel Family, Virginia Beach, VA
Jeff DiFulgo
Tammy Barton