Taenischa Hattery, Canton, OH
2017 Canton Fund recipient
Taenischa (Tae) is resourceful and generous. As a stay-at-home mother with two young daughters (one with special needs), Tae uses her skills and knowledge to do everything from sewing cloth diapers to educating her peers about social justice, but none of this work pays the bills. Her husband Jeremy has a steady but limited income, and they find themselves living paycheck to paycheck and relying on payday loans when that isn't enough. Despite their own ongoing financial struggles, the Hatterys have bottomless hearts and give what little they can spare to help friends and neighbors who have even less. The Hatterys urgently need a reliable vehicle in order to transport their oldest daughter who is autistic to her frequent medical appointments and therapy sessions. Support from the Canton Fund went towards a downpayment for their new van.