Phillip & Jennifer Spencer, Woodmere Village, OH
2017 Cleveland Fund and National Immediate Need Recipient
On July 6, 2015, while driving home from work, Phillip was hit by an unlicensed, uninsured, drunk and drugged driver. Phillip was cut out of his car and rushed by ambulance to Hillcrest's Trauma Center where it was determined that his neck and vertebrae were broken. Phillip has survived several surgeries to stabilize his spine. His MRI revealed a tumor on his spine which was removed with surgery and radiation. Phillip underwent a stem cell transplant and is receiving ongoing chemotherapy and IV bone strengthening treatments. Phillip has been unable to work since his accident and needs a comfortable, safe, and familiar surroundings to heal in. Funds from Cleveland and National Immediate Need went towards paying 2 months of rent and to gas cards to offset the costs of driving to/from doctor's and therapy appointments.