Kyle and Becky Affonti, Johnson City, NY
2016 Binghamton Chapter INF
Kyle and Becky gave birth to their second son, Landon, on September 12. Unfortunately he was born 4 months premature and only weighed 1 lb. 4 oz. After he was born he was moved to the Krause Children’s Hospital in Syracuse NY which is roughly 70 miles away from where the Affronti’s live. Landon had multiple surgeries but is showing progress. The Affronti's are hoping to be able to take him home in January. Until then, Kyle and Becky will need to travel back and forth to Syracuse and stay at the Ronald McDonald house occasionally at $25 per night. The Affronti family have been long time members of the Binghamton community. They are active with their oldest son’s youths sports as volunteers. Money from Binghamton's Immediate Need Fund went towards rent, groceries, and gas.