Jackie Yafanaro, Cleveland, OH
2006 2nd Annual Cleveland Event Recipient
Nineteen year old Jackie Yafanaro suffered from the most severe stage of a disease called Osteogenesis Imperfecta, which is a disease which makes one's bones brittle. She was born with this disease and was told she would not survive past two weeks yet defied that prediction. She suffered greatly throughout the years especially since one difficulty with her disease is that her organs are overcrowded in her chest cavity therefore causing her lungs to collapse every so often. Jackie was extremely petite, with a frame that was about 24 inches long and she weighed 22 pounds. Many of her bones were crushed at birth. She moved around in a specially made power wheel chair because she was unable to sit, stand or hold her head up. She had rods put into her arms to support her bones and continued to undergo surgeries as long as possible.
Jackie remained a high spirited, positive and optimistic person considering everything she had been through. She was born in the Little Italy area and still lived there with her parents. Jackie had a positive outlook on life and was grateful to the Betterment Network for making things easier on her everyday struggle of just living.
Jackie remained a high spirited, positive and optimistic person considering everything she had been through. She was born in the Little Italy area and still lived there with her parents. Jackie had a positive outlook on life and was grateful to the Betterment Network for making things easier on her everyday struggle of just living.