Hurst Family, TX
2017 Hurricane Harvey Fund
Ralph is 72 years old and retired from the Army. Hannelore is 69 years old and a retired nurse. They have been serving their country and helping others all of their lives. They had lived in their home for 30 years and it had never flooded (through many hurricanes). They did not have flood insurance as they did not live in the 100 year flood plain. Although their home was built up they sustained 4 feet of water on their property and almost 2 feet of water in their home. Both of their cars are lost and they will have to completely gut and rebuild their home, As the water was rising in their home Saturday evening, they called 911 for a rescue. Unfortunately, rescue workers were inundated with similar calls. After 12 hours without a rescue their son was able to make it to their home in a canoe and take them to safety. For the time being, they are living with their sons as they try to figure out how to rebuild. They lost their furniture, they lost their water well that supplies the home, they need to replace all electrical outlets, sheet rock, cabinets, etc. They are hoping FEMA will come in and help but it has been very slow getting help from the government. Their initial FEMA payment was $150. They have been unable to get any information on future assistance., This is a significant burden for a retired couple on a fixed income. They are overwhelmed on how to rebuild after Harvey. Funds raised went toward rebuilding supplies and household items lost from their first floor,