Garnett Mowatt, Annapolis, MD
2021 Immediate Need Fund and Megan Kolb Immediate Need Fund
In 2012, Garnet was about to complete his PhD in music, when he was diagnosed with colon cancer. They caught it early, and with surgery he was okay. In 2019 it came back again, and with immunotherapy, he again was cancer free. This spring (2021), his blood work looked off and he had a seizure that landed him in the hospital for four days. After stabilizing his kidneys, they had to decide what to do about the small tumor in his brain. At the age of 43, he was not only struggling with this newest health issue, but he now had a four year-old son to be there for. His parents were also both showing signs of dementia, and he felt responsible for them. Funds from Betterment’s National Immediate Need Fund as well as the Annapolis Megan Kolb INF helped pay for some of Garnet’s necessary therapy sessions.